Bob Rigaud is a custom guitar maker in North Carolina. Working out of his shop, he designs and builds instruments that are unique to themselves.
One of a kind and one at a time.
Each guitar is designed to have it’s own voice and it’s own personality. The bracing and structure of each guitar made is unique to the instrument.
Over a span of 45 years, Bob Rigaud has worked on most every make and model of guitar made. He has dissected these and now uses the knowledge gained from understanding the properties of these instruments in his own signature guitars.
An old world mastery comes into play when one person makes a complete instrument, this type of attention has been lost in factory produced guitars. The journey begins with the bonding of an instrument to it’s owner, and from this, beautiful music is made in the world.
Rigaud guitar appear in hands of famous artists, A list players and individuals with discerning tastes.
These guitars are made for everyone who feel a connection between themselves and the instrument.